Ask The Oracle - Percentage of Calories from Protein
As of today, the capability of searching the Ask The Oracle database for a list of foods ranked according to the Percentage of Calories from Protein doesn't exist. While Cronometer users wait for that capability, which will take a few years, I imagine, and longer than I'm willing to wait, can anyone recommend another fee-and-web-based service, that offers that feature? I know that there is software for sale that will give that information, but I'm using Chrome and so the information needs to be web-based.
It's an important datapoint for those following vegan/vegetarian/McDougall/fruitarian-type diets. Historically, it has been a datapoint referred to in the research of the World Health Organization and other scientific bodies. It certainly doesn't get much press, that's for sure!
Hi @starchivore
You can generate a list of foods high in protein per calorie using the Ask the Oracle feature.
From the Foods tab, click Ask the Oracle.
Select Protein as the nutrient, then rank by 'Highest amount per Calorie'.
Click Ask the Oracle to generate a list of foods.You can also select the categories of foods to include in your search in order to limit the list to vegetarian or vegan options only.
My apologies, if I misunderstood your request.
Karen Stark
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Thanks for your comment. I'm a plant-based Registered Dietitian and would be happy to answer any questions about vegan nutrition that you may have.
Susan Macfarlane, MScA, RD
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
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