Not calculating vitamins, energy, water, etc
I have been using cronomater on and off and have found it helpful. I started using it again this week and for some reason it wiped out everything I had done so far this week. It was like I was starting over again without it remembering what I had keyed in in the past. It will calculate the calories but it now doesn’t calculate the vitamins, water, is all blank and I don’t know what is going on. Help.
Cronometer has two nutrition reports: a nutrition summary for the current day and a nutrition report averaged over say a week.
If you've logged food today then today's nutrition summary will not be empty. On the web you see that report below the diary. In the app press the "TARGETS" circle on the diary page.
Under Trends there is a "Nutrition report" option that shows nutrition averaged over several days (say a week). It usually excludes empty days and the current day (since it might be partially completed). There are options to choose the time period and exclusions.
The Trends / "Nutrition Report" will be blank if you did not have anything logged on the days selected.
For help about the day's nutritional summary read: help about a trends, nutritional report read: -
Hi Lovinlife,
I am wondering if you may have created a new, second account? It would look like all the information you entered before is missing, but if this is the case all your information will still be intact in your original account.
If you could please email us at we can help you find your other account (without sharing your personal information on the Forum).
Karen Stark
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