

Just started using cronometer, I have noticed my Omega-6 is very, very low, as is my fat content. My protein was always about 3/4 of what I needed until I started using Collegian Peptide. And my Carbs are always at least 1 1/2 more than I need. I have high cholesterol (runs in the family), I am obse barely, and a mild heat murmur.

What should I focus on first.

When I was researching Omega-6 products with CLA kept on coming up. I am focusing on losing weight and, trying to lower my Cholesterol. Red yeast, is no good for me

I take Atorvaststin 10 mg tablet (lipitor)

Lovaza Omega-3 Ethyl Esters 1GM Cap 2 twice a day.

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    If you haven't already done so, I'd ask if your MD can refer you to a dietitian in your area skilled in cardiac health. The following are general guidelines on what to focus on for overall cardiac health:

    1. Diet quality - by far the most important component of health and well-being. Try to ensure most of your choices are unprocessed (i.e. have a short ingredient list and are limited in added salt, fat, and sugar).
    2. Limit restaurant meals - a good target is 1x per week or less.
    3. Avoid alcohol - it's a myth that this is heart healthy. Alcohol really can do more harm than good and tends to drive up calories and triglycerides.
    4. Eat A LOT of plants - try to include vegetables at both lunch and dinner. Be mindfully of how much sauce, oil, cheese, etc. you add as these can drive up calories.
    5. Eat deeply coloured fruit throughout the day.
    6. When including grains, aim for intact and unprocessed whole grains: bulgur, wheat berries, steel cut oats, oat bran, bean pasta, quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato, etc.
    7. Include lean and plant proteins: tofu, pulses (probably the best thing to eat for heart health), egg whites, lean poultry, fatty fish
    8. Choose healthy fats - these come from fish and plants and are in whole food form (nuts, seeds, avocado, fatty fish). The best oils for heart health are olive (uncooked) and avocado (for cooking).

    You may also want to consider adding components of a portfolio diet, as it's very effective for decreasing bad cholesterol:


    Regarding your question above, I wouldn't pay too much attention to number targets, other than fibre (should be at least 40 g per day) and getting enough protein (generally 1 g per kg of healthy body weight).

    Hope this helps!

    Susan Macfarlane, MScA, RD
    Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:


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    Thank you at least I have some idea where to start.

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    Feel free to post any other questions or concerns in the forums. We're here to help you on your health journey!

    Best of luck!

    Susan Macfarlane, MScA, RD
    Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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    First and foremost, pay attention to your diet. That's where you get your protein, carbs, and fats! You should try and eat more healthy fats such as avocado and salmon, but not too often because in your case it's not indicated. You mentioned you want to lose weight, therefore you should focus on eating as much protein as possible. Start by eating lots of chicken and fish (at least twice a week), you'll hate chicken in the end, but if you want to lose weight that's your best friend, haha. As for carbs... eat the healthy ones and avoid bread! Also, if you want to speed up the process try some peptides such as the ones from https://kaotikpeptides.com/ that are made for your goal.

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