FitBit Data Does Not Sync



  • my syncing now works but activity is all wrong too, so no way is problem resolved! In fact, my Fitbit activity started really high when I woke up this morning, and has been decreasing each time I walk by about the amount of energy I would have been burning?! (so weird!). I wish they’d issue some kind of statement so we know what’s what instead of being left in the dark - must admit I’m not impressed with the customer service 🙁

  • I put in a support ticket yesterday and recieved this response from Holly at Cronometer this afternoon:

    Thanks for getting in touch!

    Fitbit is currently encountering an issue that is creating data discrepancies and syncing issues between Fitbit and apps such as Cronometer. They have not released a timeline for a fix, but status updates on the issue can be found here.

    In the meantime, we recommend stopping the import of Activity from Fitbit and setting an Activity Level in Cronometer that most accurately reflects your daily calories burned through activity.

    You can turn off the import of Activity from Fitbit by going to 

    More>Connect Apps & Devices>Devices>Fitbit>Toggle off Activity Import


     You can set your Baseline Activity Level in Cronometer by following the below steps:

    1. Go to the More tab
    2. Tap on Targets
    3. Tap on Energy Settings
    4. Use the drop-down box next to Baseline Activity Level to select the Activity Level that best applies to you.

     You can choose your activity level from the following description:

    Sedentary (BMR x 0.2)

    Little or no exercise. You will burn some additional calories over and above BMR for light activity such as watching TV, working at a desk, etc. Use this setting if you are synced to a device that tracks workouts only (not tracking general activity).

    Lightly Active (BMR x 0.375)

    Basic daily living (sitting, eating, walking around the office or house). Light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week

    Moderately Active (BMR x 0.5)

    Moving frequently through the day (construction work, stocking shelves, cleaning, etc.) and/or moderate exercise 3-5 days/week

    Very Active (BMR x 0.9)

    Intense activity throughout the day such as manual agricultural work or competitive athletic training.


    You could also set your own fixed daily value for calories burned based on the average values you are seeing in Fitbit.

    Please let me know if you have any questions!

    All my best,


  • The_Rustic_Rebel
    edited September 4

    Shoulda known it was a google problem.

    Actually, it may be fixed now. Cronometer has a much more realistic calorie burn now and isnt too far off from my fitbit calories burned.

  • I can't seem to even connect Fitbit to the app anymore. I assume that's Cronometer trying to solve the issue.

  • How is it supposed to work? How does Cronometer reconcile the BMR value with the imported FitBit activity? I have currently have my BMR set to 1450. Should I set it to '0'? Not sure...

  • Mine seemed to be fixed yesterday but having issues again today. Cronometer is showing all calories from Fitbit instead of just activity calories. Seems a web service is out of whack. I'm sure they will get it fixed they always do. For how i am just manually calculating activity calories.

  • apjohnson- I’ve kept my Fitbit and crono app connected but disconnected just the activity, so crono is all day only showing RMR. Then I look at how many miles of activity and calories Fitbit says I’ve been doing throughout the day (checking it with other days of similar activity and calories) and adjust crono accordingly - I created an exercise in crono called “not syncing” and put it in the uncategorized area at the top of the crono app and it then adds on approximately what calories I must be burning through Fitbit. If your Fitbit has HR then it will base your activity calories on all movements (like cleaning up, going back and forth in the kitchen to make dinner etc.) , and not just walking and “active” exercise. Hope that helps. And hope they fix the problem soon!! I ish they could provide a timeframe - where are all the computer engineers?? 🧑‍💻 good luck!

  • I understand this is supposed to be an issue with Fitbit - but does Cronometer know about the progress of fixing this problem???? This problem is now several days long...

  • I’m having same issues. It is still not fixed and shows I burned 1K plus calories when I wake up. I’m about to give up with this.

  • Bambi81
    edited September 18

    yep, still problems here too!! I keep checking to see if there’s an app update for crono or Fitbit and nothing comes and no word from anyone. I find my activity syncs now but then I have to turn it off in the evening as around 8-9 in the evening crono starts to say I’m burning less and less calories the more I move around?? Looking at old history it looks like Fitbit is over estimating a tad since the syncing started “working” again, but that if I leave it to crono and don’t turn off the syncing in the evening then it tells me definitely a number that’s too low - it’s messing with my head!!