Bulk Ingredient Import for Recipes

Hi There!

I find it would save me a lot of time if there were a bulk import of ingredients (ie. if I could copy and paste) for the recipe builder to 'read' and then give me a 'best match' idea. This feature is used in myfitnesspal and other online recipe calculators.


  • Hi ap2013,

    That sounds like a great feature idea to save time when creating new recipes. We will put this on our list!


    Karen Stark
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

  • @Karen_Cronometer -- new to the app, and i love the url import, but it would be even better for my offline recipes to be able to bulk add ingredients. is this feature still in the works?

  • Another vote for this feature!!

    I use this all the time in MFP as not all my recipes are on the web, but entered manually in an app like Paprika, so copy paste like MFP has would be super useful for those ones (of which I have many).

  • Adding another ME TOO for this feature!!

    As another Paprika user, as well as a current MFP Premium member hoping to transition over, bulk import is how I enter a LOT of my recipes. I'd love it if Cronometer could incorporate this! 💜

  • HEY COOL!! I just found this feature under the Import Recipe. It says that if your website isn't readable, you can copy and paste the ingredients below. This is exactly what I was looking for!! Just didn't know it was located there.:)
    Thanks Cronometer!

    PS - sorry I double posted before. I don't seem to be able to delete the extra post above.

  • YES to bulk import! I have a Word document that contains about 400 of my personal or tweaked recipes over 20 years or so. It would be great to be able to select the ingredients' text and paste it into Cronometer. It's the one reason I'm still sticking with MFP--the free version of MFP allows you do so this. Having to add each ingredient one at a time is laborious and a deal-breaker.

  • @CreoleRose this feature is available with a Gold subscription. It's under the import recipe URL feature (which allows for simple copy/paste as well). Unfortunately for you, it's not available in the free version however, so you won't be able to check it out without going Gold.

    PS - I was able to request a one month free trial of Gold from Eliisa over on the subreddit. After trying out Gold for a month, I immediately subscribed when my trial was over. It's light years ahead of MFP!

  • Hi All, new to Cronometer Gold. Like others, I have a large collection of curated, tweaked, and custom recipes in the Paprika app. As someone who tried to use MFP for custom/tweaked recipes, I quickly gave up during the tedious and inconsistent "ingredient matching step". I think it would be great if I could import the whole lot into Cronometer from a backup file from Paprika.

    If that isn't possible, I would be very interested in what specific recipe format/structure Cronometer is looking for during import? I'm thinking if I could export Paprika, tweak the format with python, then import into Cronometer.... Dunno.

  • @Seir Yep, I've read that blog post. Good info on how to use the function.

  • Seir
    edited July 2024

    @crono5545 Regarding the format/structure of your recipe, check out how allrecipes.com formats their recipes.

    Let's take Chicken Noodle Salad as an example for your own custom recipe:

    Navigate to Foods -> Custom Recipes -> Import Recipe

    Select the second option: Paste Ingredients -> here
    This will fold out a textbox, where you simply paste your ingredients.

    Now hit Import.

    Verify all ingredients and fix as necessary, and give your recipe a proper name.

  • @Seir Thanks for the details. My situation is that I have 595 recipes in the Paprika app that I have been curating for years. There are a couple of key challenges to importing my recipes:

    • A good portion of those are from subscription only sites, so cut & paste is the only option.
    • The bigger challenge is that I tweak most of my recipes as I cook them, adjusting for our personal tastes, ingredient choices, etc., then I update the recipe in Paprika. This becomes a "custom" recipe. The idea of manually cutting and pasting a custom recipe into the import field 500+ times is a non-starter for me.

    I was able to do a bulk import all of my Paprika recipes into the Mealie platform, so that was promising. But, Cronometer doesn't seem to be able to read the Mealie recipe format. So, back to square one.

  • On 2nd thought, am I going to use 595 recipes in one go? Nope. I will use one or more per day. There are some I might never use (again). So, cutting and pasting 1-3 recipes per day is doable. @Seir Thanks for your help and suggestions!

  • @crono5545 While the variety of your dishes is fantastic, it sounds tedious to import all these recipes manually. Good luck!