How many people on here are on the keto diet?

How many people on here are on the keto diet? 413 votes

I am!
357 votes
Nope, trying another method.
56 votes


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  • Nope, trying another method.

    I've done it 20 years ago. It has it's plusses but I am not inclined to go back to it.

  • Nope, trying another method.

    I'm trying this thing where I eat a lot and do a lot of sports.

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  • edited September 2017
    I am!

    @BeckyL Great Progress!!! :) I started Back in May. I was down 10, but I went back up 5. What kills me is my stalls.
    @Marie_Eve_H I had started playing basketball in a Women's league. I loved it, but it killed my knees. So all I do now is run hit for 2 miles, and go home. I think though that I don't know my body well enough to make sure that when I go hard how much I need to eat back. I think when I first started monitoring my weight in like 2008 I was going so hard but I was under eating. I think I have my maintenance down to like 1600-1700. I think keto helps me to be able to eat what I need for high burn days, and helps me to still burn fat, instead of messing my metabolism up with the 1200 cal days when Im sed.

    IDK any help would be appreciated.

  • I am!

    I started keto and found chronometer on Aug 16. So far down 15lbs. I'm a type 2 diabetic and my blood sugar has been in normal range ever since and my cholesterol is perfect. I met with my endo doc today and he's impressed with the results but warned me long term keto could damage my kidneys, heart or brain.

  • I've been eating paleo, but I have been contemplating going keto. I can cut the carbs, but it's the protein that I have a harder time keeping low. What kind of fats are you eating that don't increase your protein? I can only eat so many olives and drinking oil doesn't sound appealing at all.

  • I am!

    @WellFed In regards to upping my fat intake I have been doing fat bombs and yes I do actually have the oil. In the morning I have fish oil caplets, and coconut oil is the easiest for me to have 2 table spoons in the morning if I am not eating bacon. My coworker does the bullet proof coffee, but I need to stay away from coffee, so I'm going to experiment with the tea. I pour olive oil and apple cider vinegar on my salads. That's a good way as well to get the oil in without drinking it per say.
    I did find that I do better with getting in a good range of macros by getting the fat in via oil in the am. I know you said without protein, but I did find that if I do one egg and then scramble in the oil, they soak it up, and it is easier to get down. I am however an olive tells storied of how they would find a cemetery of olive and pickle jars under my bed. :p prob why I was in shape then, now that I look back.

  • I am!

    @Hilary That is a good idea! Thanks for the info, i will check it out.

  • @JahsMom Thanks for the tip! I will look for some fat bomb recipes online and experiment. I also add oil and ACV/lemon to my salads and cook eggs in coconut oil. Salads and eggs are easier to prepare than my paleo meals, so that would save me some time.

  • Nope, trying another method.

    I swaddle everything in bread. I've been kicked out of bed for worse.

  • Nope, trying another method.

    I was on it, but after I lost 60 lbs, I was done losing weight. Now I just maintain by calorie counting and it's working great.

  • I do a combination of Alternate Day Fasting and Keto. Cron targets are difficult to figure out for this type of plan since on fasting days I'm way under targets and on feed days I can go way over targets and still lose or maintain weight. So I actually check the weekly average weight loss (target of 2 lbs/week) and that gives me clues as to what is working and what isn't when I look at what I consumed for a few days prior to weight loss or gain. My charts show a real see-saw effect but for the most part have been trending downwards. I've lost 20 lbs since I began in early August. This week I stalled because I stopped fasting on alternate days for a week and need to restart that practice. I was still doing Intermittent fasting (24 hours) but that just doesn't do it for me. Although I keep my Fat to Carb and Protein ratio balanced correctly I think I may not need to consume as much fat since my body has plenty itself to use for fuel as long as I'm in keto. I do not want to lose muscle so I stick to eggs and fresh seafood for my protein. I'm going to soon add thermogenisis (facial submersion in icy water) to kick-start my weight-loss again--it has worked before for me.

  • I am!

    Hello Everyone, Margo here. I was on keto diet in 2016 for a while then made changes, which was a mistake. I'm back on keto now, started five days ago and feel fantastic. Lost some weight already. Cravings are totally gone. May plan is to be on keto for a year and then make tiny adjustments towards a little more balanced diet (the smart way), but never going back to the old eating habits. The best part is that keto is automatically creates an "exercise crave" for me and keeps my mind clear. Keto has a positive impact on my life in many ways. It's like becoming a new person mentally and physically.
    Note: I tried some of those keto bars and didn't like it.
    I'll just say with real food! smile:

  • Ugh! Can't stay under 25 carbs a day! WTF! Is there NO veggies on this Keto diet? I eat cabbage and I'm up to 30 net carbs!

  • I am!

    @Buckskin I eat plenty of salads with cucumbers, spinach,spring mix or baby greens, and celery. Also, have you tried the fermented sauerkraut?

  • edited September 2017

    @buckskin 25g of carbs per day is approaching a therapeutic level of the program and is not really warranted unless you are very carb sensitive or sick (cancer/Alzheimer's etc diagnosis). Most can get into ketosis with 40g of carbs per day, but the key is to test your levels and see how you are responding to the foods (carbs) you are eating. As @haggardgk states, you can and need to eat a lot of veggies, just the non starchy ones. Keto is implemented wrong very often in clients who come to me. They restrict so much, they are malnourished. Consult with a health practitioner, here or otherwise, and see what they say about your situation. You may be enduring more than you need to! Keep on the journey.

    Best regards,
    Frank Alvarez
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  • Nope, trying another method.

    Hi @Buckskin,

    How much cabbage are you eating? For the ''Cabbage, Raw'' in our database, a medium head of cabbage gives 32.3 g net carbs ;)

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  • Nope, trying another method.

    I've been doing the "400 carbs a day" diet for the past 4 years. Maintained a 25 lb loss to down near 10% body fat. This puts me well under the 5th percentile for body fat for men 45-60. I'll take that.

  • edited September 2017
    I am!

    Hi @Buckskin Most keto folks count net carbs not total carbs. Carbs minus fiber=net carbs. Add a couple tablespoons of butter and cheese to cup of broccoli (3.7 net carbs) and you should be good to go!

  • I am!

    I have been doing Keto for about 3 months, along with a program called "Undoctored". I have lost 30 pounds and maintain between .09 to 2.0 blood ketones. I also practice intermittent and long-term fasting to accelerate weight loss and control blood sugar. That has been working well. My blood sugars are no longer in the diabetic range and most importantly my glucose is the same before and 45 minutes after a meal. HgbA1c is down from 6.5 to 5.6. I have slowly decreased my blood pressure medications over the 3 months to 1/4 the dose I was on. I expect by the end of October I should be able to stop completely.

    I feel wonderful! I have so much energy and mental clarity. My joint pain is almost gone (perhaps the result of giving up grains completely). That's really wonderful because I can exercise and burn off all that excess energy I have from eating nothing! :wink:

  • Congrats to everyone here! The stories are great to hear. please keep sharing. @sls that is amazing and the key reason to implement a keto diet, for the health benefits and the weight loss side affect.

    Best regards,
    Frank Alvarez
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  • I am!

    Thanks Frank, I will!

  • I am!

    Hi everyone i have been on keto since December last year. I did lose weight and reached my goal but tend to put on weight quickly when my carbs go above 20g a day. I enjoy keto because i love cream in my coffee and love avocadoes and all the high fat foods so it works for me. My problem is maintaining. I have put on 2kg in the winter probably from carbs in my veg soup????????

  • @Maus65 That's a tough one without knowing a lot more about you and your situation and how clean you are eating. You may have an intolerance to a food and that is causing problems, as can toxins from foods or a toxic overload you are carrying. These are just some ideas, as I said it is really hard to figure it out without knowing so much more about you and the journey you took to get to this point. Seek out one of our keto professionals on the help page. I am on there under Frankly Nutritious and specialize in keto.

    It does seem you are very carb sensitive and if your carb intake was up when you gained that weight, that can be an indicator of the culprit. Remember, 20g of carbs as a limit is very strict and typically only used for a therapeutic affect with cancer patients. Be sure your fats are good fats like coconut oil, avocados (and oil), olive oil, 100% grass fed animal fat (if you are not vegan) etc. ALWAYS EAT AT THE HIGHEST QUALITY!

    Good luck, and keep asking questions!

    Best regards,
    Frank Alvarez
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

  • I am!

    @Maus65, what are you doing different during maintenance? Are you counting net carbs or total carbs? Where are your carbs coming from? Are you tracking your macros and if so, where are your fats falling? Sorry for so many questions.......

  • I am!

    @Buckskin If you are doing keto, shouldn't you be counting net carbs? That is carbs minus fiber. I am doing very well on about 15 g of NET carbs a day. If you eat a cup of brocoolli it has 3.7 net carbs in a cup. I put a couple tablespoons of butter on it and which makes it even more healthy for a ketogenic diet.


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