Specific Diets?

edited July 2024 in Connect With Others

Are there users here who use Cronometer for tracking their Chronic Kidney Disease? Does Cronometer work well for you?


  • @debln3

    Many people find Cronometer useful as you can customize your targets for potassium, phosphorus, sodium, protein, etc. Just speak with your renal team dietitian about the targets you need based on your level of CKD.

    Kind regards,

    Susan Macfarlane, MScA, RD
    Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

  • Thank you Susan. =)

  • New to the forum and I have Kidney Disease. I recently got targets from my RD and Dr. and I set those as limits in Cronometer for Sodium, Phosphate, and Protein. My Potassium was not an issue. I find the app to be real helpful for tracking and planning. I'll have my breakfast and then model what I plan for lunch and dinner and adjust as the day goes along.

  • Welcome! I just read that you have kidney Disease and are monitoring sodium. I just want to share that I use Tasty Salt (Bensons)...it is herbs and a delicious salt sub, in fact I like it better than salt. I tried all the other Dash type salt subs, nothing compares with the Bensons. The down side...it is pricey. I buy it in the 2lb pack (on Amazon) and usually save $10. It's like gold....for taste and for price but worth every penny. Wishing you the best of health!

  • I use it for tracking carbs for my type 1 diabetes

  • I would like to create/re-activate a group on Renal health. I have stage 3 or Stage 4 CKD (depends on the blood test). Does such a group exist already? Are others interested in such a group? I would be happy to help support it. I am a 69-year-old retired guy who has a little time on his hands. :)

  • I’m interested. I am currently stage 5, no dialysis, and getting a living donor transplant next week. I need to take good care of the gift i am receiving.

  • Do you know if Chronometer is set up to facilitate such a group? It seems like this thread is pretty much dormant. Perhaps this is not the best place for such a group? Even if I was willing to moderate it, which I might be if there are a significant number of people here for this reason. I once frequented a site dedicated to Atrial Fibrillation. It was terrific! I don't have AFIB anymore! There are likely other groups out there for CKD. BTW. Good luck with your transplant next week!! Maybe we could connect another way if there is no mechanism here to create a group. There just seems to be so much to know and so many opinions on what is good/bad to eat.