
Missing food values

GimME Organic, Premium Roasted Seaweed, Extra Virgin Olive Oil is missing iodine. Is there a way to modify the food values?


  • Options

    Hi Saf,

    Is the iodine value listed on the package? We would love to update the food for you instead. Report an issue with the food and it will go directly to our team and they will add ASAP. Learn how to report an issue here: https://cronometer.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020982412-Report-an-Issue

    You can edit a copy of a food in our database and save it as a custom copy, too.

    On the website:
    1. Go to the Foods tab
    2. Go to the Search Foods sub-tab
    3. Search for the Food you wish to edit and select it to open it in the Food Editor
    4. Select the icon in the top right-hand corner
    5. Choose Edit a Copy, from there you can make changes to your recipe and then 1.
    6. Save Changes
    This food will now be in your custom foods list

    In the Mobile app:
    1. Open the bottom console (orange +)
    2. Tap Add Food
    3. Search for the food you wish to edit
    4. Tap on the food to open the Edit Serving Dialog
    5. Tap the menu in the right-hand corner
    6. Choose Edit a Copy
    7. Tap the Next arrow in the upper right-hand corner to Save your food
    This food will now be in your custom foods list


    Karen Stark
    As always, any and all postings here are covered by our T&Cs:

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