Our new look!
I'm out of here, it's unusable.
Anyway, I've found "A Calorie Counter" and "FatSecret".
Thanks @CMacKirnan I will look into these.
It's absolute trash on the computer. It's like someone designed it for a small tablet for people who can't do more than look at a single number at once. This is awful. Please allow people to use a real interface. I don't want to have to find another program to track my diet.
"Anyway, I've found "A Calorie Counter" and "FatSecret".
Good to know! Thanks!!
If Cronometer is SO disrespectful to it's users, as to NOT change it back, I will be moving over to one of these sites. But, before I do, I will delete the YEARS worth of 'Custom Foods' that I have entered into the Cronometer system. One doesn't get to disrespect/ignore and then get to benefit from another's work!
Was this hideous change for the benefit of cell PHONE users?? To hell with cell PHONE users!!! I'm an ADULT, who uses a computer when online, not some mindless twit, with their face in their PHONE 24/7. It's a PHONE, for GODSAKES!! USE IT as it was INTENDED.....as a PHONE! I do not even own a cell! Those who have their whole lives on a cell PHONE, have serious mental issues. I came to Cronometer as a recommendation from Dr. Mercola. Even HE says to ditch the 'smart' PHONE for a 'dumb' phone (to be used as INTENDED...as a PHONE).
I wake, this AM, to find a BUNCH more comments, not liking this CHILDISH 're-do' with the website, and I find myself still SO ANGRY!!!! There was NO REASON, whatsoever, to change the FUNCTION and look of Cronometer!!! What the hell is WRONG with people?!?! If this were my company, I'd be firing people left and right! It really comes down to, 'WHAT were you thinking?!".....obviously, they were NOT. Not the kind of people that I would want working for my company! To alienate all of my 'customers' like this?......you'd be FIRED! Always remember.....KISS.....Keep It Simple, Stupid!
SH!!! New bad surprise, you used to be able to create new food with your actual custom food available under your eyes so you can remember your templates
Now OF COURSE it's in a new window with a bunch of totally useless space everywhere and you have to take screenshots on a separate doc to word on your things
It's a f... nightmare
EDIT : ah ! sorry, it's not a problem by itself, as it's covered by a bigger problem with server bugs and now I've lost my work on new food and 15mn work. So fun.
REEDIT : ... which is not such a problem either as when I'm done with entering AGAIN everything, I just can't remember to save the changes as I would have to scroll a billion miles away toward I can't remember what direction. I'm pretty close to throw my computer out the window.
I have found this complaining falls on deaf ears, you will probably have to find another app.
I agree, this "redesign" is a disaster and almost unusable in my opinion.
I almost spent $50 and purchased gold, but so happy I didn't waste my money.
For gods sake use a bit of common sense and go back to the earlier working version. This is a complete disaster and there was no need to 'refresh' the site anyway it was perfect as it was. I have a mysterious 10k calorie daily usage showing on Monday which does not relate to my input and as others have said endless scrolling and clicking is now needed to use the site.
Grow up, admit whoever suggested this redesign was wrong and go back to the old version... Please.
I have to agree with a lot of the previous comments. From a usability standpoint, this redesign is ridiculously awful. I used to do this sort of thing for a living and it breaks so many design guidelines I honestly don't even know where to begin.
you've forced the user to scroll across swaths of screen space to see the same amount of information that used to be available on one desktop screen. This dramatically reduces usability and is a huge step backwards
there's no contrast in the textual information so that the user cannot tell what's important such as a category header and what is regular information
whoever designed this seems to think 'white space' is the enemy and thus has filled up all the available space with well, something. The problem with this is it becomes tiring for the human eyes to examine such a busy space thus making it harder to discern the information they are looking for
Since the space is so full, when looking at the specific nutrients such as Omega-3 or Folate for example, when I mouseover the nutrient to see what I ate that day that contributed to the total, the pop-up will load above the nutrient but cannot be fully seen as everything is so large it disappears under the top of the screen, causing the user to have to scroll down and mouseover the nutrient again. This means a user has to expend extra time and energy in comparison to the previous design where there was sufficient space to do this without scrolling, saving time
What exactly is the Dashboard supposed to be now? I have three small charts and nothing else there. Not very useful. And why is every other page anchored to the left but the dashboard has everything floating in the center, it looks inconsistent and looks like I'm missing something
I could go on with many more examples. While I like the new color palette, this redesign fails on desktop usability. Please reconsider or go back to the drawing board. You've made your product much harder to use, not easier.
I wholeheartedly agree with the naysayers.
You've switched to a light grey font color that is hard to read.
When I enter my day's food I have to scroll down to see the calorie and macro numbers. To see both numbers and my diary the print is so small I can't read it.
The diary entry for food now has the protein/carb/fat numbers in tiny print in the meal bar instead of along the same row as the food.
Instead of having the tabs at the top of the page where they were easy to see and read you've buried them in a collapsing sidebar behind icons that don't really show up well.
You've taken a website that was easy and intuitive to use and created a new one that is a PITA. It wasn't broke so why did you 'fix' it?
This is my entire laptop screen. How is this useful or user friendly? Can't see my totals. COULD see them all on the same page before.
"I've never considered excessive sanity a virtue" Mike Uris, San Antonio Express-News, 2002
"Grow up, admit whoever suggested this redesign was wrong and go back to the old version... Please."
Agreed! I don't think that there are any actual ADULTS working here. Just a bunch of 'Techie kids' who 'believe' that they KNOW BEST. Spoiled children with entitlement issues. What will happen here, is that they will soon be out of business. Don't give 'the customer' what THEY asked for......Cronometer won't be long for this world. What happens when KIDS run things, is, we get FADS.....stupid, mindless, USELESS FADS. ADULTS, such as myself (I'm in my mid 50's), don't 'do' childish FADS. Adults want FUNCTION. I'll give Cronometer one week.....if things don't go back to what is was.....a SIMPLE, FUNCTIONAL site......I'm GONE! In the mean time, I won't even waste my time with my daily inputs.
I think others have said it well, but I'll add my voice to the downvote on this new and improved version. I don't know why you had to mess with a good thing. I use the desktop version of Cronometer almost exclusively; perhaps, those of us who do are in the minority and this improved version is welcomed by those who use their phones (though I always felt the phone version was easy to use). For us desktop users, it's so unwieldy now. Wouldn't it be possible for you to allow us to stick with the older version if we so desire? Honestly, I really hate the look and design of the new version so much that I don't know what to do. This isn't the sort of program that we use casually...we rely on it to stay healthy and enter our data several times a day. Oy vey! You're killing us...
I agree with those who do not like the new look one bit. I also miss the calendar where I could click on and look back. I would regularly use that feature..
Maybe this simplification is great for mobile users though I learned how to use it on mobile well enough, with the desktop being my default use.
Also the font is washed out and light. The extra clicks are annoying. I am honestly not seeing more functionality. If you have made FUNCTIONAL improvements good but I sure would have liked the ability to right click to insert a note in the diary. It also seems some of the options for serving sizes have been removed from some of the entries -
EDIT I will be researching the changes to reicpe functionalty. The primary reason I am paying every year to use this app is the ability to create, use, and modify my recipes as well as the micronutrient data. I really liked the feature where I could import an online recipe. So much to test out to see how it still works (or not)
I'm feeling better now because the release was only yesterday and we're all talking in one voice. I really think that Cronometer team will hear us and do something.
People can't do such an amazing tool without common sense.
I'm sure they'll do the right thing pretty soon and allow us to get back the functionning interface and next time may be invite us to a beta test or something before spending a lot of efforts & time & money for such a failure.
Let's remember why we love this tool and be patient, the accident happened yesterday only, let's give them time to react
To Cronometer team : if we react that strong it's also cause we love your tool that strong
This is total speculation and I hope it's not true, but I've seen this happen so many times after a company is sold to a new owner. If so, nothing will change, people will leave, and it will be abandoned.
@Hillary The Cronometer response is "Deafening".
As a programmer myself. I know it's possible to have the old UI on the desktop and the phone theme UI on mobile. Get it done, because this blows on a desktop
Some of you have posted about using the product on the phone or tablet implying the new HTML PC browser code is also used on mobile devices.
I suspect most users will install the "APP" (IOS or android) as opposed to using the phone's web browser. This suggests that the majority of those using a web browser are running on a PC (Windows, Linuz, Mac, etc.) with a big screen unless you have an old unsupported mobile device OS.
Unless Cronometer knows otherwise (web stats) there is no reason to let them off the hook for a bad browser GUI. These are different tool sets.
All said a good web app should offer "internal" config options as I have previously suggest.
I've lost the energy history on the diary page, something I liked. As a side note, it would be NICE to have a Total Net, so I know what my NET is over the duration of the graph. I see days over and days under, but how am I doing over the last month? I have no idea.
Good morning folks! Thanks for all the feedback. We're listening and working hard to refine the new look to address the pain points.
Aaron Davidson
CEO, cronometer.com
https://forums.cronometer.com/discussion/27/governing-terms-and-disclaimer -
Refine? This is silly. You are trying to make it look the same on a phone and a tablet and a web browser. It is SOOOOO much slower also. The option to not use the baby interface needs to be available. I'm going to have to cancel and move to something that I can depend on because I track for some serious health concerns.
Ah yes, corpo-speak for "we're not going to do anything, but want you to think we might."
We do no want you to "refine the new look." We want you to revert the changes.
I don't think there is anything wrong with adopting a modern responsive design. Things can't always stay the same. Locking the old UI in might please long-time users but it will be a turn-off to attracting new customers who expect a modern appearance.
However, this release is filled with severe usability issues. It is like the UX team that designed this didn't take into account how people actually use it.
I think it is fine to drive things forward as long as all the missing features and usability concerns are addressed. Of course, I suspect they won't be.
The contrast and accessibility will probably be addressed but I have little hope for the rest.
I am waiting to see what happens but I have already started double-logging in another application and am getting prepared to potentially switch.
@Aaron "Good morning folks! Thanks for all the feedback. We're listening and working hard to refine the new look to address the pain points."
You've just CONTRADICTED yourself with those two lines of comment. 'We're listening' is a BOLD-FACE LIE when you THEN go on to say, 'refine the new look'.
YOU'RE NOT LISTENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In plain English......the NEW SITE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USER UN-FRIENDLY!!HOW MANY MORE WAYS do you need this to be said?? NO ONE WANTS/LIKES this 'new' POS Cronometer!!
Keep NOT LISTENING......and here in the near future, when just about everyone LEAVES Cronometer........you'll all be unemployed! When that day DOES come?....since there will no longer be a Cronometer website for me to post on, I'll just go ahead and say it right now......."I TOLD YOU SO!".
The new look announcement.
Red - A useful small set of links are now a massive menu taking up (wasting) 25% of the screen with unused black space
Blue - Loss of important calendar functionality
Black - Working area takes more space, note that the "New Us" diary has lunch, dinner and snacks closed and this person has only entered 11 items for the day.One page is now three and likely more with realistic data
Note to develpers: MORE info on the screen is good. LESS is bad. MORE clicks to do things is BAD. FEWER is good. We know you don't use the product yourself, because if you did you'd understand why search for "the last time I had Eggs Benedict" is important. So work with someone who does actually use it.
I have been a Gold member for FIVE YEARS and am, for the first time, shopping around for a new program that has the functionality and data I have come to expect from Cronometer Gold. Yes it seems to "mostly be there" with some glaring exceptions already stated.
Is there one positive comment?
Is there one positive comment?
The first one
shopping around for a new program that has the functionality and data I have come to expect from Cronometer Gold.
I have been testing MyNetDiary in parallel starting this morning.
That being said, I would much prefer to stay with Cronometer as I have been Gold for 3.5 years myself.
There is this site. https://alternativeto.net/software/cron-o-meter/
@CMacKirnan Definitely understand the frustration of the colours getting mixed up! We are working hard on a fix to resolve this issue and should have it resolved for you very soon! Thanks so much for your patience and understanding!
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